Are Museums Now Trapped In The Exhibition-Industrial Complex?

Blake Gopnik: “In Tokyo, 758,266 people rush to see the treasures of Holland’s Mauritshuis museum; in New York, 605,586 people view the photos of Cindy Sherman, by Cindy Sherman … these are just a few of the staggering attendance figures for recent exhibitions. Could there be any better sign of the health of our museums? Unless we’re seeing symptoms of florid illness.”

Who Was Mary Magdalene?

“Was she, as depicted in the Four Gospels, the most favoured friend and closest disciple of Jesus Christ, forever graced by being the person he first met after his resurrection? Or was she the fallen woman so brilliantly reconstructed by Pope Gregory in the sixth century as a superb and effective act of misogynist propaganda?”

Virgin Mary Appears On Broadway; Conservative Catholic Group Is Predictably Outraged

“The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property published a lengthy statement on its website in which it called the play” – Colm Tóibín’s The Testament of Mary – ‘blasphemous’. … The group also noted that the play is written by ‘an avowed homosexual’ and ‘is being performed and directed by open lesbians, namely, Irish actress Fiona Shaw and Deborah Warner’.”