First Abu Dhabi Art Fair A Mixed Success

“The emirate is now promoting itself as a hub for contemporary art, seven hours from London and from China. But while there is political will to establish an art market, there are no art museums in Dubai and no art schools either. Selling to the Emiratis turned out to be difficult although there was a smattering of ministerial purchases. Some of the exhibitors, who had come from as far afield as Tokyo, Korea, China and the US, returned home almost empty-handed.”

Jefferson U To Sell More Eakins?

The Philadelphia area school just got through one controversy over selling Eakins. “The collection’s artistic capital took a big hit with the $68 million sale of The Gross Clinic, and [president Robert] Barchi says that the school intends to deaccession two other pieces in the multimillion-dollar collection: Its remaining Eakins works, Portrait of Benjamin H. Rand and Portrait of William S. Forbes.”

Free WiFi For SF! (But There Are Protests)

The mayor of San Francisco has a plan to give residents free Wi-Fi internet service. Google and Earthlink are building the system. The system “would force players such as Comcast and SBC to swiftly mark down their prices to the $20 range. A pricing and features war would ensue. The resulting universal broadband would in turn create opportunities for new Internet business models, perhaps spawning a 1990s-like job boom. However, for every good new thing in San Francisco, there is an army of protesters angry that it’s not the perfect thing.”

Pacific NW Ballet Looks In Its Own Backyard

Pacific Northwest Ballet’s new director Peter Boal has made a commitment to the local dance community. “The idea for PNB to present the work of eminent choreographers with a Northwest connection may not have been original to Boal, but he expanded it exponentially to what is now a huge, comprehensive festival in scope and intention. As shown by the extraordinarily inclusive nature of the festival, Boal and his company have embraced the diversity and richness of dance in the Northwest. That is without precedence.”