The Surprising History Of Ballet In Kyrgyzstan

“Under the USSR regime, Moscow put particular effort into developing dance in the area, through the non-negotiable funding of a national dance school. In time, Kyrgyzstan became the best dance training center in Central Asia, forming many dancers who went on to have international careers.” Things changed after the Soviet collapse …

The Great Theatre Of “Killing” The NEA

“Ironically, Trump is cutting the arts because it’s great theater. It’s such an easy target: low-hanging fruit that’s also high visibility. The artists know how to put up a fuss that’ll get noticed, and he’ll look like a hero to that supposed rust-and-Bible-belt antiart constituency. A statement will have been made about what America does and doesn’t value. If it doesn’t actually happen—if the NEA survives—it won’t matter. Trump’s base will have already seen the show.”

This Neighborhood Is Helping Artists Buy Vacant Homes For Cheap

“In Indianapolis, one block in the Garfield Park neighborhood south of the city’s downtown is experimenting with a different model. An arts nonprofit worked with other partners to buy and renovate vacant houses and is now offering to co-own them with artists. Artists will pay half the cost–one $80,000 home, for example, will sell for around $40,000.”

What Will Brexit Mean For Culture?

“A combination of shock, motivation and fears for the future can be … felt throughout the country’s cultural institutions. The insecurity is also an economic one. The cultural industry, which includes film, the art trade and the TV industry, contributes 84.1 billion pounds (97 billion euros) to the British economy.”