Simon: Didion’s “Magic” Leaves Me Cold

John Simon: “True grief is not an attitudinizing catalog of self- regarding minutiae. There is a 15-line poem by Theodor Storm, ‘Einer Toten” (‘For a Dead Lady”), that moves me every time I read it. Didion’s 90-minute intermissionless itemization of oh- so-literary epiphanies, as recited and enacted by Vanessa Redgrave, leaves me as stone-cold as the dead.”

Seattle Art Museum’s $1 Billion – More Art To Come?

Several collections are included in the $1 billion gift of art to the Seattle Art Museum this week. But there were some omissions. “A couple of the weightiest local collections were conspicuously absent from SAM’s list of donors: Bill and Melinda Gates’, and Paul Allen’s. Asked about those absences, Mimi Gates (who is married to Bill Gates Sr.) was cryptic. ‘When we have announcements, we will make them’.”

Indies Make Serious Commercial Gains

Indie labels are beating traditional recording companies. “The commercial explosion is no accident. Indie labels may have finally found a way to harness the Internet’s sizable community of tastemakers. These music labels are bringing bloggers who have a reputation for posting legal and illegal MP3 tracks into the fold by purposefully leaking albums ahead of the release. Much as iTunes created a palatable model of digital downloading, these labels increasingly rely on carefully controlled – and sometimes uncontrolled – leaks of MP3 files to publicize upcoming records.”