The Blog And The Big Book Deal

“Readers discover, like it and forward links to their friends, who forward them to lots more friends. And then on March 20 Random House announces that it has purchased the rights to a book by the blog’s founder, Christian Lander, an Internet copy writer. The price, according to a source familiar with the deal but not authorized to discuss the total, was about $300,000, a sum that many in the publishing and blogging communities believe is an astronomical amount for a book spawned from a blog, written by a previously unpublished author.”

Ailey At 50

“The Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater has not only persevered for five decades, it has thrived, becoming an internationally known, blue-chip arts institution that manages to attract dance devotees and people with only a passing interest in the field alike. Since its debut in 1958, it has grown from eight to 35 dancers and performed for an estimated 21 million people in 48 states and 71 countries on six continents — accomplishments that few if any other modern- dance troupes can claim.”