National Student Drama Festival Shows Its Worth

“This year, students have discovered the drama of the fantastical and the grotesque. In an education system that has become increasingly utilitarian, they want an outlet for their creativity where they can shout and scream in pain or pleasure. The NSDF is a celebration of the imagination that for more than 50 years has made a real contribution both to the professional theatre and to generating an enthusiastic and informed audience. That is already a hard job. To make it harder by withdrawing public funding would be, well, grotesque.”

A Struggle For The Soul Of Art

“Art has become perhaps the biggest legal economy in the world to be almost totally unregulated, so it should come as no surprise that the art world is the scene of a mighty struggle for control. The principal contenders are the auctioneers and the dealers, with a supporting cast of collectors, art advisers, entrepreneurs, curators and an increasingly active group of über-artists.”

Hear Any Good Art Lately?

“Remember when art appreciation used to be a simple, straightforward affair? You walked into a gallery, looked at some pictures, or maybe a few sculptures, and that was that. Then came photography, followed by film, the emergence of performance art and all that conceptual stuff with unmade beds, pickled sharks and rooms full of oil. Now, thanks to 21st-century technology, sound art – art for the ears, as well as the eyes – is bringing a new dimension to the art world.”

Major Arts Leadership Changes In Philadelphia

“It’s big turnover time. It’s not just here. It’s a national trend. Those of us who came up in the early 1970s got into this business when it was really new, when funding was becoming more and more available through the [National Endowment for the Arts] and other sources, and there was a lot more emphasis being put on being a well-run organization.”