Top Posts From AJBlogs 03.30.16

The platform problem
Apple, Inc. has done a(nother) clever thing. In the midst of helping its customers succeed in individual goals through its iPhone and iOS systems, the company has also built resources to help groups and individuals … read more
AJBlog: The Artful Manager Published 2016-03-30

Since We’re Voting, There’s This Artistic Conundrum
Lest you think I have no sense of fun from my last post, which chastised the Indianapolis Museum of Art for outsourcing its exhibition planning to the public, I thought I would mention an instance … read more
AJBlog: Real Clear Arts Published 2016-03-30

Orwell’s Typewriter, Meet Wold’s Bar Stool
Yesterday’s blogpost, The Strange Case of Orwell’s Typewriter, elicited some interesting remarks, only some of which were posted to it. One sent to me privately came from the California artist Kurt Wold. After posting  … read more
AJBlog: Straight|Up Published 2016-03-30

Vacation Report And A Limerick
We spent our brief vacation in Santa Barbara, California, visiting our son. We slept, walked, hung out with friends and ate well. One of the walks was to the end of Stearns Wharf, a pier … read more
AJBlog: RiffTides Published 2016-03-30


The Los Angeles Times Reimagines How It Will Cover Books

“With these 10 writers, we will investigate our culture through the conversations that books anchor, in deep dives and in real time. We will explore the mysteries of reading and writing; consider the achievements, acknowledged and under-acknowledged, of the writers who have come before; question the roles of race, heritage, class and gender in what we read; take on the vagaries of the publishing industry, and more.”

Libraries Are In Decline. That’s Just Fine

“The BBC have just done a survey of library services in which they have found that 8000 library jobs have gone in the last five years and 340 libraries have been closed. On the face of it, that’s bad news. More signs of the pressure “austerity” is putting on council services? Actually no, not in this case. It’s a reflection of our habits.”