How One Off-Broadway Company Is Able To Close For Three Months But Still Pay Everyone

“Ars Nova did not seek an article about the course it has chosen. On the contrary, [its directors] worried that discussing it publicly could look like they were shaming colleagues amid an industry-rattling pandemic.” That Ars Nova can pay everyone it had engaged for its canceled shows “has nothing to do with an angel donor — there isn’t one, [the managing director] said — but rather serendipity.” – The New York Times

Arts Council England Acts Quickly On Funding, But The Price Will Come Later

ACE was faced with an impossible choice. Unlike the German government, which has announced a €50 billion package of support for artists and the cultural sector, recognising that it is characterised by a high proportion of self-employed people whose livelihoods have disappeared overnight, the UK government has been slow even to recognise the problems faced by the self-employed in any sector, let alone the arts. – The Stage

Public Service Or Piracy? Authors Battle Internet Archive Over ‘National Emergency Library’

With libraries and bookstores closed across the U.S., and with teachers searching for materials to use for remote teaching, the Internet Archive decided to lift all restrictions on access to the 1.4 million books — many still under copyright — that it has digitized. Teachers and academics are very pleased; authors and publishers, on the other hand, call the move a “copyright grab” that robs them of royalties and breaks the law. – The New York Times

Judy Drucker, For Decades South Florida’s Leading Classical Music Impresario, Dead At 91

She brought to Miami (and, later, Fort Lauderdale) such artists as Vladimir Horowitz, Mstislav Rostropovich, Itzhak Perlman, Luciano Pavarotti, Marilyn Horne, Beverly Sills, Dmitri Hvorostovsky, Kiri Te Kanawa, and almost every major symphony orchestra in the U.S. and Europe. (Not to mention dance companies like ABT and Alvin Ailey.) And, for her, they kept coming back. – South Florida Classical Review