Humanities Profs Get No Respect (Even From Other Humanities Profs)

It’s pretty shocking that humanities scholars, alleged proponents of what Germans call the “science of the spirit” (Geisteswissenschaften), believe some facets of the spirit are worthier of science than others—often using, by the way, the same soulless determinants of “market value” that those outside the academy use to deride the entire professoriate altogether.

I Did The Naked Tour Of The James Turrell Retrospective – Turns Out It Was A Brilliant Idea

Monica Tan: “Once you’re in front of it, the shape is so large it fills your entire field of vision, until it seems to warp and wrap around your entire body. Without a thread between my body and the work, my bare flesh seems to be drinking all that peppy pink brightness in. … Everyone around me is gawping at the art, almost euphoric with delight.”