Orlando Makes A Plan To Proceed With Performing Arts Center

“Architects will proceed with detailed construction blueprints for the project, which has been threatened with a long delay because of the recession. It will take about a year to finish the blueprints, and city officials say that’s when they’ll decide whether to start construction, scale back the $425 million center or keep waiting until the economy improves.”

Writing After Gabriel García Márquez

“The most popular Nobel literature laureate, Gabriel García Márquez, has reportedly laid down his pen. We’ve been here before: in 1974, the year after the Chilean coup, he vowed not to pick up his writing tools until General Pinochet fell, though thankfully, by the 1980s he was back at his desk. Yet the octogenarian writer, whose One Hundred Years of Solitude (1967) has sold more than 30m copies, has long been at pains to pass on his mantle.”

Screen Actors Make Deal With Producers Of Commercials

“The proposed three-year agreement, which was widely anticipated, provides a 5% pay increase, contains about $21 million in increased contributions to union health and pension plans and, for the first time, establishes a pay structure for work made for the Internet and other new media, according to the Screen Actors Guild and the American Federation of Television and Radio Artists.”

Portrait Of Leonardo Discovered

“The 60-by-45 cm painting shows Leonardo wearing dark robes and a black, feathered hat, but is damaged by scratches to the paint. Alessandro Vezzosi, the director of a museum dedicated to Leonardo in his hometown of Vinci, said the image is consistent with a depiction of the artist found in a 17th-18th century portrait kept at the Uffizi Gallery in Florence.”

Bollywood Going On Strike

“Producers are demanding a 50% share in the revenues generated by the cinemas. Owners say the share should be lower if a film performs poorly. India’s film industry, the world’s largest, has already been badly affected by the global economic crisis. The indefinite strike is expected to begin on Saturday.”