Top Posts From AJBlogs 04.04.16

Monday Recommendation: A Duke Ellington Book
Steven Brower & Mercedes Ellington: Duke Ellington: An American Composer and Icon (Rizzoli). 224 pages. $35.48 The scores of photos, illustrations and reproductions of documents make this book a valuable supplement to the growing stack … read more
AJBlog: RiffTides Published 2016-04-04

Local DC jazz apart from NEA Jazz Masters events
In Washington DC for events surrounding the investiture of vibist Gary Burton, saxophonists Pharoah Sanders and Archie Shepp, and Jazz Foundation of America‘s executive director Wendy Oxenhorn as NEA Jazz Masters, I visited a new grassroots venue that shows where the deep heart of jazz support lies. … read more
AJBlog: Jazz Beyond Jazz Published 2016-04-04

Just because: George Bernard Shaw talks about the filming of Pygmalion
George Bernard Shaw talks about the filming of Pygmalion in a 1939 British Movietone newsreel. … read more
AJBlog: About Last Night Published 2016-04-04


A Statue Of George Orwell, Rejected At First For His Politics, To Grace BBC Smoking Area

“The BBC and the writer parted acrimoniously in 1943, when Orwell resigned after two wartime years as a talks producer in the Eastern Service, making propaganda broadcasts for India. In his resignation letter, under his real name, Eric Blair, he wrote: ‘For some time past I have been conscious that I was wasting my own time and the public money on doing work that produces no result.'”

The Rebel Start-up Opera Companies Taking The Met Head-On

“The Met, despite its perpetual financial struggles, shows no signs of capsizing. Though dozens of competitors have come and gone, it lumbers on, embattled but essential. What it offers—and what no pocket-sized company, however edgy, can match—is an acoustical environment commensurate with the grandeur of the form. To hear an unamplified voice surmounting a full orchestra and pinging across a large space is an elemental thrill that lies somewhere between high culture and extreme sports.”