One Of Bollywood’s Biggest Stars Sentenced To Five Years In Prison For Poaching

Salman Khan, who has made more than 100 movies and is known as both a romantic hero and an action star, has been convicted for illegally killing two rare blackbuck antelopes during while on location in 1998. This is the fourth case in which he has been tried for poaching during that film shoot; he was convicted in two of those cases and then acquitted on appeal.

London’s Royal Court Theatre Cancelled Play About Tibet To Avoid Angering China, Documents Reveal

The theatre cited “financial reasons” when it called off the production of playwright Abhishek Majumdar’s Pah-La scheduled for last fall. Newly-released correspondence says that the British Council warned the Royal Court that going ahead with the play could interfere with “significant political meetings” happening in China at the time and could jeopardize a project the Royal Court had planned with 16 Chinese writers.

Top Posts From AJBlogs 04.04.18

Can Orchestras Be Re-Invented?
Theater companies have dramaturges. Museums are staffed by scholars. But orchestras, despite their reverence for great music of the past, don’t even care about their own backstories. … read more
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Juilliard Dancers Predicting Spring
Watching the Juilliard School’s annual Spring Dances, I think of young racehorses turned loose on a course. The Juilliard performers aren’t as young as those ballet dancers who join companies while still in high school; after four years at the school, they’ll graduate with BFAs. However, all that they’ve learned, and are still learning, is on the line in these performances, and often, they’re being shown in choreographic masterpieces. … read more
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