China Ramps Up To Become (Overtake) Hollywood

“No longer content simply to build movie sets and provide extras in Hollywood films, Chinese studios are moving up the value chain, helping to develop, design and produce world-class films and animated features. They want a bigger role in the creative process, one that will allow them to reap more rewards, financially and artistically.”

The Film Scholar Who Tracked Down And Archived Decades Of African American Films

“Seeking visual representations of black people in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, [Phyllis Klotman] learned of the existence of a body of work — long scattered, little known and unpreserved — by early black filmmakers. She traveled the country, scouring attics and cellars and museum vaults, assembling a collection of films by and about African-Americans. Many had survived only in fragments.”

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So How Was Jesus About Women, Really?

The actor playing Mary Magdalene in A.D.: “I think Jesus was really advanced in his views on women… he chose to present himself to a woman and I think that was an acknowledgement that women can be and are as fully human as men; as fully and spiritually capable. It’s a huge honour to play that.”