How Reviews Of Books, Movies, TV, Music Are Morphing Into A Strange Commodity

“Movie reviewing has been reduced, largely, to data production for Metacritic and Rotten Tomatoes. Song and album reviews rarely precede the actual release of the music, so they’re treated as broad cultural writing prompts. Five or so years ago TV writing split into reviewing and recapping, which in the last couple years have merged into a strange hybrid, one which talks casually about what has happened, and which signals fandom along the way just enough to let the reader know that he has tastes in common with the writer (and that whatever recommendations might follow are worth hearing).”

Artists Erect Bust Of Edward Snowden In Brooklyn

Speaking to Mashable on the condition of anonymity, the artists said they chose the spot because it is “loaded with significance and meaning and reverence of others.” It positions Snowden, they said, “as a continuation of a story that began at the beginning of this country” — one represented in the plight of the captured Americans.

Toronto Symphony Cancels Valentina Lisitsa’s Concerto Gig Over Tweets About Ukraine

The orchestra’s president said that Lisitsa’s contract was bought out due to “ongoing accusations of deeply offensive language by Ukrainian media outlets.” The Kyiv-born, ethnically Russian pianist’s “tweets about the Ukrainian regime have included some harsh comparisons with Nazi Germany, sometimes laced with morbid comedy.” Lisitsa’s outraged fans are fighting back.

The Woman Who’s Changing The Face Of Comedy

“By the time Jones finishes reading a script, she already has ideas about which actors might be right for the roles—and who can handle the pressure of constantly improvising during the eighty-hour workweek that shooting a television comedy often requires. But she also likes the surprise of the unknown.”

Electrified: Adventures In Transcranial Direct-Current Stimulation (tDCS)

“A number of studies suggest that it may improve learning, vigilance, intelligence, and working memory, as well as relieve chronic pain and the symptoms of depression, fibromyalgia, Parkinson’s, and schizophrenia. However, the studies have been so small and heterogeneous that meta-analyses have failed to prove any conclusive effects.” Elif Batuman investigates – and tries on the electrodes.