In An Age Of Instant Availability Of Movies, We’re Losing Some Classics

“The digital technology that was supposed to rescue the back catalogue from oblivion, restoring and preserving fragile celluloid for future generations, poses as many problems as it solves. The digital age is full of false assumptions about access and availability, and film is a fleeting medium, its materiality under more direct assault than ever before.”

Look, Thomas Jefferson Was Neither (Just) A Founding Father Deity Nor A Slave-Owning Monster, Say Historians

Peter S. Onuf: “Every Jefferson biography on the shelf is a polemic, one way or another, but we wanted to get beyond that.” Annette Gordon-Reed: “People read history the way we watch movies, where you have a good guy and a bad guy. What’s the point of even going to the library to do research if you already know what you think?”

Atlanta Considers Fate Of Its Breuer-Designed Library

“To suggest that a building of such architectural merit is not worthy of being preserved and reused in a new capacity is shortsighted at best and downright flippant at worst. Suffering from neglect and a rather unflattering interior renovation in the last decade or so, the building would require a commitment by the city to restore and maintain the facility.”