The National Dance Company That Puts The Phrase ‘Differently Abled’ Into Practice

“AXIS today includes six professional dancers with and without disabilities, a 100-city annual tour schedule that includes regular performances in the Bay Area, burgeoning apprentice and teacher-training programs, school visits that reach approximately 15,000 students, … and partnerships with institutions and organizations in the vanguard of inclusive instruction and physically integrated dance.”

Olga Rostropovich Carries On The Legacy Of Her Two Famous Musical Parents

Olga “appears to have inherited her father’s dynamism, her mother’s striking looks, and their shared persistence, and for the time being, both institutions continue apace. Like her father, the Rostropovich Festival is likely to be better known outside of Russia. Like her mother, the Vishnevskaya Center occupies a significant role at Russian opera’s heart.”

‘World’s Most Elegant Public Transit Campaign’ Stars Ballet Company

“The Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) has a new fleet of subway and streetcars, so why not show them off in style? In its latest ad campaign launched late last year, called We Move You, dancers from the National Ballet of Canada run, twirl, and twist their way through empty stations and rail cars with an elegance few riders can match.” (includes video)

Masterpieces In Russian Regional Museums Literally Left Out In The Cold, Displaced By Patriotic Putin Project

“The displays are inspired by an annually updated exhibition called Russia – My History, which was launched in 2013 by Tikhon Shevkunov, a Russian Orthodox bishop who is reportedly close to President Putin. … The presentation is meant to encourage patriotism by offering positive interpretations of Russian and Soviet history. Ivan the Terrible’s bad reputation is presented as a product of Western fake news, for example, and Stalin is credited with restoring the Russian empire.”

A History Of Our Notions Of Inequality

Human inequality is commonly described by its defenders as a discovery, but we can allow ourselves to think that it, indeed, is socially constructed. Many different kinds of inequality appear in human history, and each one must be overcome if humanity and equality are to triumph in the practical as well as the ideological world. We have to deal with geographic inequality (the barbarians on the other side of the border), racial inequality (whites or Chinese and the inferior “others”), hierarchical inequality (masters and slaves, aristocrats and commoners), and economic inequality (the rich, the poor, and the desperately poor). These four inequalities are very old and ever-renewed; we know them well. Siep Stuurman adds a fifth to this list, which he thinks is peculiarly modern: temporal inequality. “We” are advanced, and “they” are backward.

Report On NYC Neighborhoods: Strong Correlation Between Quality Of Life And Presence Of Cultural Organizations

The study found that cultural organizations’ strongest impact on social wellbeing is not in areas with the largest number of resources, but rather in lower-income districts where the social connections they facilitate operate as a form of capital, substituting for the financial capital available in other places. As SIAP writes: “culture makes a difference in these communities by enhancing social connection, amplifying community voice, and animating the public environment.”

Peter Zumthor Redesigns The LACMA Makeover

For one thing, the entire metaphor has changed: “What began as an organic black form spreading across the landscape of the Miracle Mile, in homage to the color and texture of the La Brea Tar Pits adjacent to the museum, has become a less fluid, harder-edged and more muscular form in sand-colored concrete.”