At The Met Museum, Native American Art Makes It Into The American Wing Rather Than The Indigenous Rooms

The Work “will not go where historical Native American art is often found, in the galleries for the Arts of Africa, Oceania and the Americas. They will go instead in the American Wing, among paintings and sculpture by Gilbert Stuart, John Singer Sargent, Frederic Remington and Augustus Saint-Gaudens, ‘to display art from the first Americans within its appropriate geographical context,’ as the museum says.”

The 50 Best Restaurants In The World (But Don’t Even Think About Getting A Reservation)

“When Copenhagen restaurant Noma first won in 2010, 100,000 people tried to book online the following day. And after El Celler de Can Roca’s 2013 victory, its website received 12 million hits. Three extra employees were hired to turn turn down requests for tables, and the waiting list grew to one year, according to chef Joan Roca.”

Carey Perloff Talks About Her 25 Years Leading San Francisco’s Flagship Theatre

Perloff said her biggest regret was the failure to sustain A.C.T.’s core acting company. (“The city got too expensive — artists can’t afford to live here anymore.”) But the theater’s thriving acting conservatory remains, and in an era that has seen nonprofit theaters become clearinghouses for jukebox musicals and other commercial trifles from Broadway, she has shored up A.C.T.’s reputation as one of the most principled regional theaters in America.

Renée Fleming Wants To Clear Something Up: “I’m Not Retiring!”

“I never said that I was stepping away from the opera stage for good. Never, never, never did I say that to anybody,” Fleming insisted in a phone conversation from her home in New York City earlier today. “I think it misleads people,” she added. “They sort of imagine that I’m an opera singer and I’m now retiring. So I just want to make sure that gets cleared up.”

Terrence Malick Is Making Films With Actual Scripts Again

“There’s a lot of strain when working without a script because you can lose track of where you are,” he recently told an audience in D.C. “It’s very hard to coordinate with others who are working on the film. Production designers and location managers arrive in the morning and don’t know what we’re going to shoot or where we’re going to shoot. The reason we did it was to try and get moments that are spontaneous and free.”

Russia Bans Image Of Putin In Drag, So Of Course It’s Now All Over The Internet

“The picture is cited on the Russian justice ministry’s list of banned ‘extremist’ materials – a list that is 4,074 entries long. No 4,071 states that the poster, depicting Putin with painted eyes and lips, implies ‘the supposed nonstandard sexual orientation of the president of the Russian Federation’.” Consequently, folks are having a field day on social media …