Lawrence Wilker, who presided over a period of enormous growth as president of the Kennedy Center, has resigned. The center was $7 million in debt when he began the job in 1991. He succeeded in eliminating the red ink and more than doubling its annual fund-raising from $14 million his first year to $32.8 million in 1999. – Washington Post


Acquiring music over the internet is about to be a more corporate experience. The giant BMG conglomerate has signed deals with a group of tech firms to help it begin offering secure downloadable versions of current hits and catalog product this summer. The company plans to significantly increase the number of titles available in time for the holiday season. Expect similar announcements from other major music manufacturers in the near future. – Variety


Lawrence Wilker, who presided over a period of enormous growth as president of the Kennedy Center, has resigned. The center was $7 million in debt when he began the job in 1991. He succeeded in eliminating the red ink and more than doubling its annual fund-raising from $14 million his first year to $32.8 million in 1999. – Washington Post


Only 24, Zadie Smith has become the first literary sensation of the new millennium. She is “currently enjoying the kind of success that most novelists can barely dream of. As well as widespread publicity for the book, which has already been sold in eight countries, she was asked to write a short story for The New Yorker’s millennial fiction issue, and this month will travel to New York to take part in a literary festival organized by the magazine and to promote the American publication of White Teeth.” – Daily Mail and Telegraph (South Africa)