Is It Really Intelligent To Pooh-Pooh IQ Tests?

“‘IQ tests just measure how good you are at doing IQ tests.’ This is the argument that is almost always made when intelligence-testing is mentioned. It’s often promoted by people who are, otherwise, highly scientifically literate. … In fact, decades of well-replicated research point to IQ tests as some of the most reliable and valid instruments in all of psychological science.”

Podcasts Have Been Around For 15 Years, And They’re Finally Coming Of Age

Yes, it’s been that long: the iPod was launched back in 2001. But – except for a few popular radio shows like This American Life – the first generation of podcasts weren’t always professional quality, and most faded away. But over the past couple of years, the form – led by Serial – had leapt upward in quality, variety, and popularity.

The Loneliest Cities In The World

“One thing is certain: the percentage of those who live alone has increased dramatically. In the US, 27% of people live alone, up from 5% in 1920, and in New York City it’s roughly one third. The same trend is evident in Canada, and even more pronounced in Europe – 58% of people in Stockholm live alone, a figure that is considered the highest in Europe.”