We Desperately Need To Cultivate Theatre Critics Of Color

“In the past thirty years, the range and scope of American theatre has diversified, and yet most full-time critics in America are predominantly white. When theatremakers of color create art that seeks to prefigure the world we wish to live in, being reviewed by someone entrenched in a white supremacist hetero-patriarchal, capitalist gaze is counterproductive. Being reviewed by someone who is not able to meet our art where it is at is problematic.”

A Director And Designer Resign Over Calgary Opera’s Plan To Cast A White Woman To Play A Tonkinese Role In ‘South Pacific’

Former Calgary Opera CEO Bob McPhee: “It’s an enormously sensitive topic, especially in the theatre world, and it is bleeding into the opera world. … So it’s not from a lack of wanting to be sensitive to the issue. I understand. But is there repertoire we stop doing if we can’t accomplish that goal?”

Dissident Graffiti Artist Danilo Maldonado Machado Talks About Art And Freedom In Cuba

Why does the artist, who was jailed for 10 months in 2014 for trying to release pigs with the names “Raúl” and “Fidel” on them in a public park, use humor? “People want to laugh. And with humor, you can demystify these people. They have these uniforms that they’ve invented for themselves, this status; with humor you can pick it apart.”

Language Loves Legends About Itself

What happens if you start looking up the word ‘mondegreen’? “The churning sea of language raises its watery head to look around and then dives back into itself, splashing out words like litotes, genericide, and yes, metaphor. I collect these terms like Easter eggs, thrilled to have names for the ways we outfit our messages with color, rhythm, and nuance.”

Almost Half Of Atlanta Ballet Dancers Leaving Company After One Year With New Artistic Director

The turnover may be somewhat normal for new artistic directors, but it’s partly because of an intense change in style: “For some of the veteran dancers leaving the Atlanta Ballet, the switch from former director John McFall’s contemporary style to Bolshoi-trained [Gennadi] Nedvigin’s traditional style was a major adjustment.”

A Famous Los Angeles Mural, Once Whitewashed, Is Now Getting A Different Type Of Washing

Mexican muralist David Alfaro Siqueiros painted “América Tropical” in 1932. It was literally whitewashed – covered in white paint – for decades after. Now that it’s fully visible again, there are other issues, says a conservator with the Getty Institute: “We look to to monitor for changes. And what we see is that the mural is filthy — just from all of the particulates in downtown Los Angeles.”

Where The Silence Is Utterly Overwhelming

In this art installation, silence is the plan, but maybe not the point. “In such a deadened room, a body bursts with life, spilling it out through every sense. I felt enraptured and paralyzed, as if I were a disembodied mind seared in the void, listening to a recording of silence played at top volume.”