Is This Florida Monument To Chinese Literature Ambitious Or Foolish?

Whoa: “Elling O. Eide decided to bring the world of Sinology to Sarasota. Already a voracious collector, he doubled down on his passion, buying entire collections of academic journals and books. His research specialty had been China’s most famous poet, Li Po, who lived during the Tang dynasty of the seventh to 10th centuries, often called China’s greatest. That dynasty became his focus. He amassed 75,000 volumes, including 50,000 in Chinese.”

British Actor Tim Pigott-Smith Has Died At Age 70, Just As He Finished Work On Perhaps His Best Role Yet

Pigott-Smith is well known for being a constant hard worker both on stage and on screen. “Just before his death, he finished work on a television adaptation of the critically acclaimed play King Charles III, in which he plays the title role of a stubborn King Charles, rebelling against the government in the wake of his mother’s death. His performance in the play’s run in London and New York won him nominations for Olivier and Tony awards.”