Sure, You Can Play That New Movie At Your Own House – For Three Thousand Dollars

Where previous attempts to serve the one percent by showing new movies to them for a high price, a new venture may work because the founders have decades-long relationships in the industry – they’re not some random kids from Silicon Valley. One says, “We are a niche offering — I’m too old for disruption — but even if a studio makes $25 million to $50 million annually from us, that’s found money.” – The New York Times

A Fed-Up Critic Calls For ‘Grown-Up’ Architecture

Rowan Moore has had it with some extremely popular designers. “I like things such as nuance, complexity, multiplicity and depth, in architecture as in other art forms. It seems obvious and fundamental to me that cities are made of multiple buildings playing off each other, not by autonomous objects. I also oppose a culture that invests little in the dignity and beauty of everyday places – streets, schools – but finds billions in its back pocket for corporate spectacle.” – The Observer (UK)