Dear Writers, Here’s What Your Choice Of Music (Or Silence) Says About You

‘Some writers reveal that they listen to music. They tell us their favorite bands and songs so we can steal some inspiration. These writers are cool—maybe even too cool. I picture big money, big headphones, and small packs of cigarettes on their desks. Some say they can’t listen to anything until they’re deep in the revision process; these writers seem reasonable enough, I guess, and might also be modest, responsible drinkers. The author who is said to require complete silence comes across as saintly and chaste. This writer must have a clean desk, drink tea, and make money very slowly.”

No One Living Has Ever Heard The Most Famous Violin In The World

“The violin world is a world based on lineage, secrecy, and the ‘war’ between authenticity and deception inside an elite group. It consists of a cloister of craftspeople, dealers, and ‘experts’ passing very specific knowledge down to the very few willing to take the time to learn this time-intensive skill that for centuries has been based on copying old fiddles.”

The Man Who Turned The Organ, And Bach, Into Serious Study

“Unlike scholars in the Bach field who have often succumbed to a bland attitude of continuous adulation towards the master, [Peter] Williams, who has died aged 78, never shirked from showing where Bach fell short of his own astonishing standards, observing, for instance, that certain of his pieces show ‘teeth-gritting dogma’ and that there is something alienating in the thoroughness of the Well-Tempered Clavier’s progress through all the major and minor keys twice over.”