An Arts Publisher’s Turn In The Panama Papers

“Over the past 15 years, the Montreal native rose to the pinnacles of the international art publishing world, building an empire that included five secretive offshore companies based in the British Virgin Islands, according to documents obtained by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists and Süddeustche Zeitung and shared with Torstar News Service.”

Almost Everyone Can Agree On Wishing Author Beverly Cleary A Happy 100th Birthday

“Cleary tried to drop out of school in the first grade. But her parents forced her to keep going, and Cleary eventually excelled in school and in college and found a job as a librarian in Yakima, Wash. A boy there complained that there weren’t any books about kids like him. In response, Cleary sat down and wrote about Henry Huggins and his dog.”

The Other Problem With Gay Talese

“The 84-year-old journalist ventured out to Boston University last week, and made a series of simultaneously inane and offensive comments about female writers. Since that time, Talese has been the unsurprising object of mockery and scorn on Twitter and elsewhere. But within the same week, to less fanfare, Talese revealed an even darker side of himself via a massively long piece in the current issue of the New Yorker, titled ‘The Voyeur’s Motel.'”

Miami City Ballet Gets Its Groove Back

“Several dancers noted that under Ms. Lopez’s direction, the company is starting to feel more connected to the culture of Miami, rather than like an outpost of New York City Ballet. This is also reflected in its roster, which includes a higher-than-average number of Latin Americans, including a large contingent from Brazil.”

What Happens After A Town Dies?

“‘They’re haunting places,’ says Nick Trujillo, a New Mexico resident who that has made a hobby of exploring the lonesome ghost towns in the eastern part of his state. ‘There is something deeply personal about entering someone’s house, even if they have been gone for decades.'”