America’s Largest Cinema Chain Will Probably Go Bankrupt: Analysts

“AMC Theatres — whose business has effectively shut down because of the coronavirus pandemic — looks increasingly likely to file for bankruptcy with its cash reserves dwindling, according to Wall Street analysts. … Even if AMC is able to tap government bailout funds, [an analyst] wrote, the company’s high leverage ratio — with $4.75 billion in debt — ‘will make for tough sledding … thus making a reorganization inevitable.'” – Variety

France Orders Google To Pay News Outlets For The Snippets It Displays In Search Results

“The French antitrust agency gave the Alphabet Inc. unit three months to thrash out deals with press publishers and agencies demanding talks on how to remunerate them for displaying their content. The search engine giant may have abused its dominant market power, causing ‘serious and immediate harm’ to the media, the Autorité de la concurrence warned in its statement on Thursday.” – Bloomberg