Top Posts From AJBlogs 04.10.14

Moonlighting in the Arts, and Indie Bookstores
AJBlog: CultureCrash | Published 2014-04-10

Does Britain’s new Minister for Culture like opera?
AJBlog: Plain English | Published 2014-04-10

12th Century Manuscript Mystery
AJBlog: Real Clear Arts | Published 2014-04-10

Old violins vs new: the full video and scientific paper
AJBlog: Slipped Disc | Published 2014-04-10


Egypt’s Serious Art Looting Problem

For decades, archaeologist Monica Hanna says, average Egyptians “believed the heritage belonged to the state, to tourists, not to the people.” As a result, she said, youth are easily persuaded by their elders to help plunder cemeteries and religious sites in a fashion that recalls the thievery in Dickens’ “Oliver Twist.”