The Thinking Behind Design Of The Whitney’s New Downtown Museum

“The features are a blueprint for museums today, as institutions the world over compete harder for the chance to mount crowd-pleasing shows by big names. Instead of courting donors with grand galleries or stark white rooms for displaying masterworks, museums are luring star artists with buildings that they can engage and ultimately reshape with their work.”

Using New Language Analysis, Scholars Attribute Another Play To Shakespeare

“We can tentatively add another play to the Shakespeare canon. Using a unique form of text analysis, in which they weigh the “psychological signatures” of three possible authors, psychologists Ryan L. Boyd and James Pennebaker of the University of Texas-Austin conclude Double Falsehood was written largely by the man who brought us Twelfth Night and King Lear.”

The Detroit Symphony’s New Principal Oboist Will Take The Job (As Soon As He Graduates From School)

“Alexander Kinmonth’s appointment also puts an exclamation point on the rapid transformation of the DSO under music director Leonard Slatkin, who has been rebuilding the ensemble following the epic six-month musicians strike in 2010-11 that threatened to push the orchestra into bankruptcy. Since the start of Slatkin’s tenure in 2008, he has appointed 10 current principal players and 27 total musicians, about a third of the ensemble.”

Misty Copeland Talks About Succeeding As A Dancer

“The pain that dancers experience—I don’t know if it can be compared to any athlete, or anything. There’s something that is engrained in us as ballet dancers where we constantly have a poker face on. Even on stage, we experience some of the most extreme physical pain. You go through a ballet that’s three hours long and have to still put on a face that you’re enjoying yourself and performing. It takes a lot of mental strength to not let all those negative thoughts come into your mind, to just push them out and stay focused in the moment for a very long period of time. I think we’re some of the strongest people.”

New York Attorney General Investigating Cooper Union’s Finances

The inquiry will examine the handling of the school’s endowment, management of its largest asset (the Chrysler Building), the terms of the $175 million in debt the board took on for a new starchitect-designed building, and how things came to the point that a lavishly endowed insitution created to be tuition-free had to begin charging students last year.