I’ll Be Famous After I’m Dead (Maybe Not)

“The afterlife of the artist is a tricky thing. Some bestselling writers seem to be forgotten mere seconds after their deaths; others aren’t truly appreciated until decades into their posthumous career. Many artists and writers are subjects of campaigns to re-establish their place in the canon. A few take, but most fall back into oblivion until someone else takes up the cause 10 years later.”

Microsoft Word Is Inefficient And Obsolete And Should Be Put To Death

“Like the fax machine, Word was designed to put things on paper. … [But] Microsoft Word is an atrocious tool for Web writing. Its document-formatting mission means that every piece of text it creates is thickly wrapped in metadata, layer on layer of invisible, unnecessary instructions about how the words should look on paper.”

MPAA Joins With Obscure Gay Porn Website In Copyright Lawsuit

“The Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA), which counts Disney, Paramount and Sony pictures among its members, is supporting a case brought by Flava Works, an adult-film studio that specializes in black and Latino productions with titles such as Raw Rods and Snow Ballerz. The case revolves around the ongoing argument fought by far bigger players than Flava – namely, whether embedding videos on a third-party website constitutes piracy.”

England’s Sexual Revolution – 250 Years Ago

Historian Faramerz Dabhoiwala: “The ethos of western culture until the 18th century was dominated by the idea that sex is essentially a sinful act, that it is potentially a very dangerous thing to allow, and that it only has a place within marriage. … There were all these things that happened in and around the 18th century – the age of the Enlightenment – that are both extraordinary in themselves and collectively add up to a sexual revolution.”