Gaga Social Media Makes Books Go Viral? (Dwarfs The Oprah Effect)

“Lady Gaga, one of the web’s commanding giga-stars – with 21.5m followers on Twitter (Stephen Fry has a mere 4m) – has recommended a book, on Facebook. “Lüc Carl Buy his book. HE’S AWESOME!!!!! Great memoir about losing weight on your own terms.” Within a matter of hours, more than 15,000 people had “liked” it, a pretty reliable indicator of a coming “viral” success.”

Will Google Art Help Reform Indian Museums?

“Google’s gigapixeling equipment and street-view trolleys, with its zoom-discover-play functions, will enter an uncaring universe of Indian museums. Unlike museums in the United States, which are battling a shortage of funds and growing digital lifestyles, Indian museums suffer from a debilitating crisis of imagination and are trapped in an uninspiring sameness – beautiful objects indifferently displayed, impenetrable labels, lack of storytelling and ponderous book-on-the-wall text panels. It is not uncommon to encounter peeling wall paint, cobwebs and even potted plants placed perilously close to moisture-sensitive 12th century sculptures of dancing gods.”

US Visa Rules Cut Into Travel By International Artists

“Some foreign performers and ensembles, like the Hallé orchestra from Britain, have decided that it is no longer worth their while to play in the United States. Others have been turned down flat, including a pair of bands invited to perform at the South by Southwest festival in Austin, Tex., last month, or have ended up canceling performances because of processing delays.”