Study: Romantic Relationships With Someone Outside Your Culture Stimulates Creativity

It reports “close intercultural romantic relationships” stimulate creativity — even after the affair is over. This finding offers “a compelling reason for people to go out of their comfort zone to develop meaningful and long-lasting relationships with individuals from other cultures,” a research team led by Jackson Lu of Columbia University writes in the Journal of Applied Psychology.

Are Human Rights Anything More Than A Legal Construct?

“Philosophers have debated the nature of human rights since at least the 12th century, often under the name of ‘natural rights’. These natural rights were supposed to be possessed by everyone and discoverable with the aid of our ordinary powers of reason (our ‘natural reason’), as opposed to rights established by law or disclosed through divine revelation. Wherever there are philosophers, however, there is disagreement.”

Polish Government Dismisses Head Of Big New WWII Museum After Nationalist Government Complains Museum Is “Too Universal”

The Polish historian Pawel Machcewicz has been dismissed from his role as director of the newly-opened Second World War Museum in Gdansk, one of the world’s largest historical museums. The move comes shortly after a court ruling paved the way for a controversial merger with the still-unbuilt Westerplatte Museum, allowing Poland’s right-wing PiS government to create a new state-sanctioned institution.

Jeff Koons’s Latest Metaphysical Meditation Is – A Handbag?? Yes, A Whole Line Of Louis Vuittons, In Fact

Koons says, “They touch on the metaphysical: the right here right now and its connection to the past and the future. They’re about shine, the basics of philosophy, passion, what it means to be a human, what it means to be an animal, the idea of transcendence.” Well, he would say that, wouldn’t he? Lady Bracknell is not amused.