Ancient Chinese Zither Makes 21st-Century Comeback

“For much of the 20th century, the contemplative guqin – the favored instrument of Confucius – has lacked an understanding audience and been eclipsed by showier musical instruments, including Western imports like piano and violin. But, after decades in the shadows of China’s musical life, the guqin is making a comeback, riding a wave of renewed interest in the nation’s traditional culture and the government’s efforts to promote this.”

Was Thomas Kinkade So Very Different From Damien Hirst?

Hirst, like Kinkade, “has been criticized for his determined profit-seeking, for inflated prices, for using assistants to produce his work, even for a general lack of originality … But Hirst is seen as a conceptualist – his art is these brilliant money-making ideas themselves. Why don’t we see Kinkade in a similar light? What Kinkade was selling was also ideas: a mythical America, a pink-dawned, Christian cartoonscape of flowers, waterfalls and Disneyland.”