Boring Architecture Is Literally Unhealthy For Us

“A growing body of research in cognitive science illuminates the physical and mental toll bland cityscapes exact on residents. Generally, these researchers argue that humans are healthier when they live among variety – a cacophony of bars, bodegas, and independent shops – or work in well-designed, unique spaces, rather than unattractive, generic ones.”

Would You Be Willing To Pay $50 For A Movie In Your Home?

“Access to the service would cost something like $150; then, home viewers could pay $50 to watch a new film instead of going to their local theater. Film distributors would supposedly get a huge chunk of that revenue, as an incentive for partnership—Variety reports that several major studios, like Universal, Fox, and Sony, are interested. But after years of intransigence, studios might understandably be reluctant to allow such a drastic change to be put in the hands of a self-branded industry disruptor.”