Did A Lost Caravaggio Just Turn Up Underneath A Leaky Roof In France?

“The mysterious 400-year-old canvas was only found by accident when the owners of a house near Toulouse went to fix a leak in the ceiling. The large, remarkably well-preserved canvas of the beheading of the general Holofernes by Judith, from the apocryphal Book of Judith, was painted between 1600 and 1610, specialists estimate. And many experts believe it could be a work by the Milan-born master, Caravaggio.”

Post-Kobborg Uproar In Bucharest: Alina Cojocaru In Tears, 30 Dancers Threaten To Quit, Staffers Scream ‘Foreigners Out Of The Country!’

Tuesday evening, after Johan Kobborg formally resigned as artistic director of the ballet company at the Bucharest National Opera, about 30 dancers (many of them from abroad) joined Alina Cojocaru – the country’s leading ballerina and Kobborg’s fiancée – to protest the situation; all of them agreed that they would not stay with the company if Kobborg were not brought back. Meanwhile, some other opera house employees counter-demonstrated, booing the dancers and shouting, “Foreigners out of the country! This is the Romanian National Opera!” (in Romanian; Google Translate version here)

City Of London Festival Shuts Down

“The three-week summer festival offered around 50 ticketed events and a further 100 free outdoor events in the financial centre, spanning classical and contemporary music, visual arts, film and talks. … The organisers laid the blame on the deteriorating climate for arts funding.”

Top Posts From AJBlogs 04.12.16

What Does BKM Mean In The Museum World?
Can you guess? It is another attempt by a museum to be hip to the younger generation. It’s one of the latest changes to the visual identity of the Brooklyn Museum.* I don’t believe … read more
AJBlog: Real Clear Arts Published 2016-04-12

A Farewell To Bryce Rohde
In January, Rifftides reader Donna Shore sent a remembrance of Bryce Rohde, the pianist and music director of the Australian Jazz Quartet. Outside of Australia the talented musician’s achievements received too little notice when  … read more
AJBlog: RiffTides Published 2016-04-12

Lookback: a visit to suburbia
From 2006: It’s been a long time since I paid an overnight visit to suburbia, and I happily admit to having found it pleasant. I sat on a patio yesterday morning, sipping a drink, basking … read more
AJBlog: About Last Night Published 2016-04-12
