Looking To Tone Down The Offstage Drama

“Opera Cleveland’s first season last year was as operatic offstage as on. Revolving-door syndrome struck early; the new company said goodbye to recently arrived artistic and executive directors and its principal conductor. Staff was cut almost in half. Tensions often ran high on the board.” So what will it take for the fledgling company to settle down and create a sustainable business model?

Too Much Of A Good Thing

What if the problem with classical music isn’t that it’s elitist or stuffy, but that we’re so inundated with it that we can’t hope to truly appreciate or understand it fully? “It’s not just music — it’s cultural effusions in general… There is an overabundance of art around, and it can’t be properly digested.”

What Ails The Columbus Symphony

“Like many other American arts organizations, it fell on particularly hard times in the wake of 9/11; unlike most other institutions, it has yet to bounce back. Not incidentally, it was also in administrative disarray from 2003 to mid-2006, when it functioned without either a full-time executive director or a music director.”