Library Patronage Swells, And Some Library Patrons Smell

“Public libraries are bustling these days, thanks in part to the swelling ranks of the jobless, but they have always been a haven for people with nowhere else to go. In some towns, that includes a fair number of people with unpleasant hygiene.” One suburban Chicago library “recently added ‘offensive bodily odors’ to its list of prohibitions,” while “other book lenders around the Chicago area have long imposed such bans.”

The (Considerable) Cost Of Producing A Broadway Play

“With musicals, at least the money is visible in all those huge, constantly changing sets, flashy costumes and union musicians, not to mention the battery of stars and hoofers. But how much can it cost to plant a bunch of actors on a stage with one set and, in the latest trend, no intermission?” Answer: Quite a bit — and the price keeps rising.

A Looming Disaster In UK Arts Funding?

“In the run-up to the 22 April pre-budget report, the Arts Council has been working on three possible scenarios, ranging from a 1.5 % cut, which would equate to £7m, to a 3% cut, which would see £14m wiped off the budget. This – taken with the cuts in Grants for the Arts (which is now under such severe pressure that people are being told not to apply), the financial difficulties facing councils looking to cut arts funding, and a drop in corporate sponsorship – is potentially catastrophic.”

Shakespeare Vs Fake Shakespeare (Presumably)

“On one side, there is the 162-year-old Shakespeare Birthplace Trust, based in Stratford, Shakespeare’s hometown. Manning the opposite parapet is the 153-year-old National Portrait Gallery, based in London, site of Shakespeare’s greatest artistic triumphs and where, in 1603, James I granted royal patronage to the Bard’s acting troupe, the King’s Men.”

Dance Theatre Of Harlem Gets A New Leader

“Virginia Johnson. A founding company member and the former editor of Pointe, a ballet magazine, she will succeed Mr. Mitchell this year. Dance Theater is no longer what it once was. In 2004 substantial debts forced it to disband its professional company. While there is still a school, as well as the Dance Theater of Harlem Ensemble, the lack of a main company has been disheartening for its former dancers and fans.”