Does Cannes Still Matter?

“The truth is, Cannes is no longer a central hub for the worldwide traffic in film. The festival’s market accepts about 1,000 films. In 2009, Hollywood digital entrepreneur Chris Hyams, creator of software used by film festivals, estimated that there were 50,000 independent films produced worldwide.”

In E-Book Price Fixing Case – Will We All Lose If Apple Loses?

“The DoJ lawsuit plays, it seems to me, right into the hands of Amazon. Yes, we’ll have cheaper books, but at what cost? Is it worth paying a little bit less for a title if it threatens the future existence of the publishers who are bringing us the books? Or will we be happy getting everything we read from a vastly reduced pool of presses?”

Louisville Orchestra Musicians Say Contract Settlement Is Near; Management Denies It

“The Louisville Orchestra Musicians Association announced Thursday that it is in talks with Louisville Orchestra management over a one-year contract that Metro Council President Jim King has been brokering. However, orchestra CEO Robert Birman dismissed the announcement. ‘We are not in negotiations with the musicians,’ he said, calling the announcement ‘game playing’.”