Music As Social Policy?

“There is little doubt that scientific research plays an important role in enhancing our quality of life and improving our future wellbeing. However, today the term ‘the research shows…’ is often deployed because we find it difficult to justify music or art or indeed anything cultural as true or good in its own terms. Yes, cultural entrepreneurs will sometimes rhetorically affirm that music is important in its own right – but increasingly such declarations come across as ritualistic.”

Re-Engineering Your Ear For Better Bass

“An ear’s size is irrelevant; what matters are the properties of a shape that’s intrigued humanity for millennia, inspiring ancient Greek mathematicians and Renaissance painters and anyone who’s ever contemplated a nautilus shell or the center of a sunflower. As scientists better understand the cochlea, might they be able to tweak it? Could they someday make the bass on Junior Wilson’s ‘Dock of the Bay’ remix carry my brain out of my head and across the Pacific, just like it wants to?”

The Next Thing In Graffiti

While most graffiti crews use spray paint to mark buildings and urban infrastructure, Roth and Powderly, the artists behind the Graffiti Research Lab, have perfected a unique form of temporary high-tech graffiti they call laser tagging that utilizes a laser pointer in lieu of paint, a projector in place of a spray.