Mapping Political Moralities: The Disagreements Are Real

“Liberals and conservatives, [University of Virginia psychologist Jonathan Haidt] insists, inhabit different moral universes. There is some overlap in belief systems, but huge differences in emphasis. In a creative attempt to move beyond red-state/blue-state clichés, Haidt has created a framework that codifies mankind’s multiplicity of moralities.”

Finding Real-Life Love In A Virtual World

“Technologies like Second Life are allowing us to rethink what being ‘together’ really means. They’re inverting our laws of attraction, thrusting us into a zone where desire can be more abstract than pure physical lust, and where intimacy begins not with a partner’s touch, but with the things that usually come much later – the emotional candor that can take years to achieve.”

The Top Ten Novels Of Brotherly Love

Novelist James Runcie: “You can’t beat it as a subject: submerged emotions, intense rivalries, unrealistic expectations, differing levels of secrecy, betrayals both major and minor, and the genetic identity we can never escape. And if you then factor in the male ego, and tell a story of brotherly love and resentment then surely you can’t go too far wrong?” (Yes, The Brothers K is no. 1.)