ISIS Destruction Of Artifacts Has Museum World Rethinking Repatriation Of Artifacts

“The minute that these events in Iraq started, voices came about again saying that we should open up acquisition policies of museums, making it easier to purchase artifacts, just to get them out of the area of conflict. But what these people do not discuss is that these artifacts that you can buy on the market now … they have been looted.”

That Newly-Attributed Shakespeare Play? Kinda Bad, But Interesting

“In short, a mediocre play, at least by Shakespeare’s standards, and in this instance, mediocre is perfect: It’s hard to understand how good Shakespeare could be until you’ve seen him at his worst (and Shakespeare at his worst is still better than most). So imagine how much more some 11th-grader might appreciate Much Ado About Nothing after reading Double Falsehood.”

Man Buys Building In Town Of Lecce. Man Digs To Fix Toilet. Man Discovers 2000-Year-Old City

“His search for a sewage pipe, which began in 2000, became one family’s tale of obsession and discovery. He found a subterranean world tracing back before the birth of Jesus: a Messapian tomb, a Roman granary, a Franciscan chapel and even etchings from the Knights Templar. His trattoria instead became a museum, where relics still turn up today.”

Santa Monica Museum Of Art Is Suspending Operations

Not that it’s shutting down, mind you: it’s simply leaving its longtime venue at the seaside city’s Bergamot Station. “The museum, which typically spends about $2 million a year, has the flexibility to consider a variety of new locations because it has no art collection tethering it to a permanent spot that is specially equipped to store and preserve art.”