Do Food And Music Live Together In The Brain?

Ask 100 classical musicians what their favorite hobby is, and cooking will almost certainly be the #1 answer. “Which raises a question: Are food and music connected? Most musicians agree that their discipline often fosters a highly sophisticated sense of taste,” and the brain’s response to food is not unlike its response to music.

Professors Experiment With Online “Open Textbooks”

“Colleges and individual faculty members continue to experiment with putting course information and material online, and ‘open textbooks’ typically are licensed to allow users to download, share and alter the content as they see fit, so long as their purposes aren’t commercial and they credit the author for the original material. This allows instructors to customize e-textbooks and offer them to students for free online or as low-cost printed versions.”

One Stones Tribute Recalls Another

Martin Scorsese’s new IMAX concert film of the Rolling Stones is getting plenty of attention, but has everyone forgotten that there was a classic concert film of the same band produced back before they got so… well, old? “The film took a long time to reach theaters. But when it was released in 1974, it was with all the hoopla of a live concert, booked into big theaters like New York’s Zeigfield.”

NJ Ballet Mounting Major Tour

“New Jersey Ballet, a company that takes pride in its local roots, will kick off its 50th anniversary season with a tour of Russia in June… Seventeen of the troupe’s 20 dancers will join the tour, performing a repertoire largely set to jazz, blues and electronic music that highlights the company’s American character.”

Hearings Will Examine Net Neutrality

The FCC is holding hearings on the business practices of internet service providers that block consumer access to certain file-sharing sites. “The investigation and public hearings are the agency’s most serious examination of ‘net neutrality,’ the principle that all Internet traffic be treated equal.”