The Actors Strike Back (Against The Audience)

“Reported instances of actors losing it with disruptive audience members mid-performance and yelling at them to stop phoning/taking photographs/giggling/whispering/coughing/breathing (delete as necessary), seem to be as regular a feature as opening nights themselves. Sometimes the victims even have the temerity to answer back. If things get much worse, audiences will have to be safely kettled in the circle bar till the performance is over.”

The Peculiar Logic Of Art Magazines

“To get published in an art magazine you need to follow criteria that are almost the total opposite of what you need to write for general publications. Anything that might interest or enlighten the general reader – or any reader – is to be ruthlessly avoided. This is why there is almost no crossover between such magazines and the mainstream press.”

YouTube Makes Deal With Hollywood To Carry Movies, TV Shows

“The agreements with the studios, which include Sony, Lions Gate, MGM and others, are significant because YouTube dominates online video. Nearly two-thirds of all video views in the United States occur on YouTube, according to the measurement firm Nielsen. Last month the site had more than 90 million visitors, 10 times as many as the next biggest site, comScore said.”