Syria’s Greatest Writer Says Arabs Must Separate Religion And The State

Adonis: “In the [European] Middle Ages, the ecclesiastical courts were just like the jihadists today. They killed people and burned them. But the West succeeded in separating church from state, and created modern societies. And if the West was successful in this separation then there is no reason to prevent the Arabs from separating [the two] as well. … If we do not distinguish between what is religious and what is political, cultural, and social, nothing will change and the decline of the Arabs will worsen.”

Barn Renovation Leads To Discovery Of Important Roman Villa

The electricians started drilling and hit a hard layer 18 inches below the surface. It was found to consist of pieces of mosaic. “We knew the significance of that straight away,” added Irwin. “No one since the Romans has laid mosaics as house floors in Britain. Fortunately we were able to stop the workmen just before they began to wield pickaxes to break up the mosaic layer.”

Yannick? Philly’s Not Worried About Losing Him To The Met (Where The Musicians May Want Someone Else)

“We very much want Yannick to be here for a long time, and I believe that he wants to be here for a very long time,” says the chairman of the Philadelphia Orchestra, which has signed YNS through 2021-22. In any case, members of the Met’s orchestra are said to favor another candidate – one who has already directed an opera company.