Did Humans “Invent” Music?

“Of course, music is universal now, but so are mobile phones, and we know that mobile phones aren’t evolved adaptations. When we think about music, it’s important to remember that an awful lot of features that we take for granted in Western music–like harmony and 12-bar blues structure, to say nothing of pianos or synthesizers, simply didn’t exist 1,000 years ago.”

AP Style Guide Finally Gives In On Usage Of ‘Hopefully’

“The barbarians have done it, finally infiltrated a remaining bastion of order in a linguistic wasteland. They had already taken the Oxford English Dictionary … They had pummeled American Heritage into submission, though she fought valiantly … [Now] the venerated AP Stylebook [has] publicly affirmed (via tweet, no less) what it had already told the American Copy Editors Society: It, too, had succumbed. ‘We now support the modern usage of hopefully,’ the tweet said. ‘It is hoped, we hope’.”

London Olympics To Fans: No Sharing The Action Over Facebook, Twitter

“Fans in the crowd won’t be allowed to upload snippets of the day’s action to YouTube – or even, potentially, to post their snaps from inside the Olympic Village on Facebook. And a crack team of branding “police”, the Games organisers Locog have acknowledged, will be checking every bathroom in every Olympic venue – with the power to remove or tape over manufacturers’ logos even on soap dispensers, wash basins and toilets.”