In Cognito: We’re Not Just Hardwired To Think The Ways We Do. Culture Plays A Big Role

If we look closely, it’s apparent that evolutionary psychology is due for an overhaul. Rather than hard-wired cognitive instincts, our heads are much more likely to be populated by “cognitive gadgets, tinkered and toyed with over successive generations. Culture is responsible not just for the grist of the mind – what we do and make – but for fabricating its mills, the very way the mind works.” – Aeon

It’s Final: All Of Kafka Archives Will Go To National Library Of Israel (And Who Knows What They’ll Find Inside?)

“A district court in Zurich upheld Israeli verdicts in the case last week, ruling that several safe deposit boxes in the Swiss city could be opened and their contents shipped to Israel’s National Library. … The Swiss ruling would complete the acquisition of nearly all his known works, after years of lengthy legal battles over their rightful owners.” – AP

English National Opera Artistic Director Daniel Kramer Resigns

The American theatre director, now 42, had never run an organization when he took the helm at the then-troubled ENO in 2016. Things appear to have stabilized at the company financially and administratively, but the company’s productions are considered to have veered wildly between brilliant successes and painful disasters — so many are wondering if Kramer’s departure is voluntary. – The Guardian