Balcony Tenor Maurizio Marchini Took Time Off When He Saw Army Trucks Taking Away Bodies

After the Italian shutdown, Marchini immediately “went viral” (but in a good, pre-Covid-19 way) when he performed from his balcony on March 13. He didn’t even know it because, he says, “I’m not a social guy.” Then things got grim, and he took time off out of respect to the families. Now he’s back on his balcony singing arias. – Vice

Theatremakers Who Can’t Do Theatre Right Now Are Volunteering For Britain’s National Health Service

Turns out that many actors, writers, and producers were already in theatre – and that balancing the arts and sciences came naturally. Now that it’s all science, and all terrifying, they’re stepping up. One playwright who’s part of a critical care team for those with Covid-19: “I do think that theatre helps you make sense of things, because you can feel very small. … I have just been writing about what it looks like. I’m so overwhelmed; you just have so much emotion at the end of each day, so I’ve been trying to make sense of it.” – The Stage (UK)

Live Nation – That Is, Ticketmaster – Is Reconsidering The Policy That Had Everyone Furious

In other words, they weren’t going to issue refunds – but the “everyone” who was furious started to include lawmakers, things changed (to be clear, the company claims the change had been in the work for weeks before a request to the New York attorney general to look into Live Nation’s business practices). Suddenly, refunds will be available for canceled shows, and exchanges for rescheduled shows. – The New York Times