Pedro Ramírez Vázquez, Mexico City’s Great Modernist Architect, Dead At 94

“Over six decades in which much of Mexico evolved from a mostly peasant society into a modern industrial state, [he] and his collaborators built a series of monuments to Mexican culture, including the National Museum of Anthropology, the Azteca soccer stadium, the Legislative Palace and the Basilica of Guadalupe, all in Mexico City.”

Campaign For Denise Scott Brown’s Retroactive Pritzker Picks Up Steam

The petition to add her to her husband and partner Robert Venturi’s 1991 Pritzker Prize “has now drawn 9,000 signatures, many of them from the world’s most famous architects, including six prior Pritzker winners. And it has reignited long-simmering tensions in the architectural world over whether women have been consistently denied the standing they deserve.”