An Artistic Bending Of The Truth

“Whoever controls the image controls modern history. In today’s media world, the power of the image is almost limitless. So we need those who best understand that power to police it vigorously. Which, of course, is where art comes in. Art’s domain is the image, too. And if the image isn’t doing what it should be doing – recording the truth – then art has a creative duty to patrol and protect that domain. We need rustlers-turned-sheriffs, hackers-turned-security chiefs. We need artists as we’ve never needed them before. So, has art risen to this challenge? Is it vigorously policing the world of the image? Is it hell.”

Needed: Tax Breaks For UK Art Donors

“In Britain, there are tax benefits when works of art are given to the nation – but the donor has to be dead. This is the acceptance-in-lieu scheme, which gives tax relief on the deceased’s estate. Through Gift Aid it is possible to make gifts of cash, of stocks and shares, and even land while you are still alive, and get both the financial benefits and sense of personal reward from doing so. But this is not the case with objects that would be valuable additions to museums, galleries, libraries and archives.”

The Writing Life…

“Is it possible to lead a dedicated literary life in the billionaire-filled, media-crazed New York of today? To be heedless of the material world as you burrow into novels and ideas the way the old Partisan Review gang did in the ’40s and ’50s, to come up with notions that rock the intellectual landscape? And if so, who exactly is still paying attention?”