Can ‘The Mikado’ Be Saved From Its Yellowface History?

“The setting was no longer England (or Japan). It was now going to be in Milan during the Renaissance. … And Brooks and Barbara Heroux (the theatre’s artistic director emeritus) have combed through the script, changing character names, modifying any reference to Japan, and removing anything that could be construed as an ethnic slur. For example, the character of the Mikado is now Il Ducato, emperor of Milan, and the line, ‘We are gentlemen of Japan’ has become, ‘We are gentlemen of Milan.'”

The World Is Being Organized Into Giant Mega-Cities

“Today the world’s top 20 richest cities have forged a super-circuit driven by capital, talent, and services: they are home to more than 75% of the largest companies, which in turn invest in expanding across those cities and adding more to expand the intercity network. Indeed, global cities have forged a league of their own, in many ways as denationalized as Formula One racing teams, drawing talent from around the world and amassing capital to spend on themselves while they compete on the same circuit.”

UK’s Oldest Contemporary Dance Company Launches Choreography Fellowships

“Over the next three years, the Leverhulme Choreography Fellowship will support three professional dancers in making the transition from dancing to full-time choreography. The fellows will each spend a year with Rambert as part of the programme, which will run alongside the company’s existing music fellowship and choreographic development programme.”