Johan Kobborg Returns To Romania’s National Ballet After Government Deal

Following a firestorm at the Bucharest National Opera that culminated in the near-collapse of the ballet season and the intervention of the prime minister, the culture minister has reinstated Kobborg as the ballet’s artistic director and brought back, for a three-month interim period, the general manager whose departure (due to corruption charges) precipitated the entire mess.
(in Romanian; Google Translate version here)

Top Posts From AJBlogs 04.20.16

She thought
‘Could you tell these were by women choreographers?’ asked my neighbour during an interval of English National Ballet’s She Said. Good question. How would you know? Could you tell that the opera I saw … read more
>AJBlog: Performance Monkey Published 2016-04-20

Embodying The Erased Father
Nora Chipaumire premieres a new work,  portrait of myself as my fatherat Montclair State University’s Peak Performances. … read more
AJBlog: Dancebeat Published 2016-04-20

My reemergence
My concert, last Thursday. My reemergence as a composer. So great a success, more than I ever could have dreamed. So much so that after all the work, all the emotion about … read more
AJBlog: Sandow Published 2016-04-20

Bill Holman And The SRJO
With his 89th birthday a month away, the master composer, arranger and bandleader Bill Holman is working as much as he cares to, which seems to be a lot. … read more
AJBlog: RiffTides Published 2016-04-20


Data: Why Donors Stop Giving To Arts Organizations

“Not being thanked for a previous gift, not being asked to donate again, and lack of communication about the impact of one’s donation all represent massive communication fails. Advances in relationship management technologies are supposed to make communication fails increasingly rare – but, the data suggest that many of us remain our own worst enemies when it comes to retaining donors.”

Gauguin’s ‘Readymade’ Brooch Rediscovered

“An extraordinary brooch made by Paul Gauguin for his wife Mette has gone on display at the Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek in Copenhagen. … This bizarre creation [is] crafted from a piece of stovepipe scrap metal, a glass watch-dial case and a lock of hair. Arguably, this piece of jewellery is among the earliest ‘readymades” in art history.