What Skills Will You Need To Thrive In The New “Maker” Economy?

“The consensus answer was that the emphasis should be on collaboration (learning with others, working with others—both keys to much of the advancement of the maker culture), learning how to think (specific subject matter is less important, with an important exception noted below), and being able to think in a systemic way (seeing how things fit together).”

Historian And Author Frederic Morton Dead At 90

“An Austrian-born Holocaust refugee who became a highly regarded chronicler of his abandoned homeland, capturing in works of history and fiction the Viennese society at the fin de siècle and on the eve of two world wars,” Morton was best known for A Nervous Splendor: Vienna, 1888-1889 and Thunder at Twilight: Vienna, 1913-1914, as well as a history of the world’s most famous banking family The Rothschilds.

The Iffy Legacy Of Latin America’s Weirdest, Most Embarrassing, Longest-Running TV Megahit

Sábado Gigante, which has been parodied by such esteemed American outlets as Saturday Night Live and The Colbert Report, is a combination of Maury, The Price Is Right, and American Idol – except a Mexican luchador with a trumpet decides whether the contestant gets fed to a lion, and Don Francisco, the show’s charismatic host, wears a lot of bizarre hats.”